Is car ready for the big chill? – What should you be doing now to prepare for the colder months?

One of the big indicators that winter is coming is getting up in the morning and needing to put the heater on in the car. It means you are only weeks away from stamping your feet to keep warm while you scrape the windscreen. It should also be reminding you that you need to think about getting your car ready for the coming months.
So, with winter on the way, what do you need to do to make sure your car is in the best condition to get you to work?
Some pre-winter prep for your car.
Every year we see cars on the streets of Northampton with the hazards flashing and some poor soul standing in the freezing wind waiting for help. Many of these breakdowns can be avoided with a little preparation. I just looked back and we have a similar article to this one on our site from last winter… so, yes, I know we say this every year, but it really is worth reminding you again… the cold months are not kind to cars. Freezing weather, sudden cold snaps and snow can accelerate any existing problems. That could mean an unpleasant surprise when you suddenly break down in the middle of the worst weather. While nothing will guarantee you won’t have a problem, some preparation will reduce the likelihood of an issue.
Here are three of the best ways to prevent winter problems before they occur.
- Get a service! - Even if your service isn’t quite due, there is no reason not to bring it forward and get it booked in early. You would be amazed at the difference it has on the well being of your car. We will check things like your anti-freeze and other key winter protection, so you know that your car is doing what it needs to be doing. A good service is probably your best protection against the winter months.
- Check your tyres are up to scratch - We all know that when the temperatures drop, the roads become more dangerous. Your tyres are your best friend in difficult driving conditions. So, please don’t wait until they are on the edge of illegal to change them. In winter this is doubly important. Braking, grip, and cornering efficiency drop dramatically as your tyres age. With wet, snowy, and potentially icy roads coming, worn tyres are a recipe for disaster. You may also want to think about changing to winter friendly tyres. Particularly if you live in one of the more remote areas of Northampton or on a steep hill or similar. We are happy to recommend the right tyres for your car so call us or drop by and we are happy to help.
- Batteries really matter - Do you know how old your battery is? If not, you probably need to think about changing it. If you do, and it’s more than 3 years or so, it is worth getting it checked. Your car battery really hates winter. The cold weather will cause the electrolyte solution in the battery to become less viable. As a result, it doesn’t charge very well and works less efficiently overall. When you are driving out driving the winter is also making your battery work harder. Lights, wipers and heaters all put additional strain on the battery. All it takes is one really cold night and it could well be the final straw for a battery that need replacing. That means early morning frustration when it just refuses to start.
As a final thought on mechanical things to think about. Please, please, please do not ignore any warning lights on your dashboard. You would be amazed how often we see cars that have had a red light showing for some time.
There are some other things you can do to prepare for winter of course. The three in our list are meant to help prevent mechanical problems so here are a few driving and other tips.
- Practice your winter driving. Brake slower, corner gently and give yourself more room.
- Clean your wiper blades, headlamps and other lights.
- Make sure your insurance is how you want it and that you have breakdown cover in place.
- Carry a winter kit that includes a warm blanket and always drive with your phone on a full charge.
- Get into two habits until spring. Habit 1 – check the weather before you go anywhere. Habit 2 – Walk around your car and check the tyres, oil, lights and so regularly. At least once a week, more if you drive a lot.
Winter driving is never fun, but it doesn’t need to be a nightmare as long as you get ready and drive safely.
Call us and let’s get you booked in for a safe winter this year.