Vibrations, squeals, and sudden stops – 5 things telling you your brakes need attention

We all expect our brakes to work properly when we need them the most. It’s not an exaggeration to say that good brakes save you, and others, from injury and worse. So, what are some of the most significant signs that brakes may need servicing?
Why do we offer a free brake check?
Your brakes are at the core of safe driving for you and others on the road. It would be a very lucky motorist who can say they have never needed to brake suddenly. We have all had our fair share of incidents when another driver does something unexpected. Worse still is that moment when your heart almost stops because a cyclist appeared from nowhere or a pedestrian stepped into the road. Your brakes are in constant use even on the smallest journey. We want you to be safe. We offer a free brake check so that you can have them checked as soon as possible if you suspect a problem or think they are due for a service.
Five common indications your brakes need checking
These are some of the most common indications that there could be a problem with your brakes.
1 - Bobbling, juddering and vibrations.
These could indicate a range of problems but the most common is uneven wear to the discs and/or pads that stop your wheels turning when you put pressure on the brake pedal. Uneven wear is also potentially another sign of other mechanical issues. It may be that you notice the juddering build over time, in which case, bring it as soon as you do. If the juddering is very strong and/or appears suddenly, it is safer not to drive the vehicle. Call us immediately.
2 - Soft, slow to react brakes that feel spongy
Brakes that feel ‘spongy’ can be down to a range of common problems. When you press the pedal, you should feel even resistance that increases as you push down and the brakes ‘bite’. When the resistance is soft or variable it is commonly because of air in your brake fluid. However, it could also be because something called your master cylinder is damaged allowing air into the system. Whatever the reason spongy brakes are dangerous, and they need checking.
3 - Squealing and squeaking
So, this is a slightly more difficult one. If you are hearing a squeaking or squealing noise when your car is breaking it could be as simple as a little bit of road debris or moisture on the pads. If so, it will soon vanish unless it has caused damage to the pads or cylinders. Usually though it is because the pads need changing. Many pads are actually fitted with a wear indicator that makes a noise to tell you they need attention.
4 - Grinding noises or a low rumble
Get a brake check immediately if you hear a rubbing, grinding, noise because it could mean that the pads or drums are almost or completely worn through. If you ignore it your brakes could seize or stop working.
5 - The vehicle pulls to one side when braking
This could be an indication of several problems. Often though it is a warning of failure or imminent failure in one of the brake assemblies and one brake working harder than the other.
Safety first is the best policy, so never allow your brakes to reach a stage where they are grinding on metal or not stopping your car properly.
Finally, we sometimes see people who continued to drive with a warning light illuminated. if you see a red brake light while driving, please don’t ignore it. Sometimes it can just be that the handbrake has not been fully removed (so check that it is disengaged) if that is not the reason then there is almost certainly a problem. When you think about what is happening here it is amazing that people ignore red lights. A red brake light means your vehicle is warning you that there is a problem with the system designed to stop you from crashing... Ignoring that is probably not a good idea.
As always, advice is free. Call us and let’s talk brake servicing.